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As an FYC member, you will enroll in two classes—one is a class you might need for your major (like psychology) and one class (like study skills) is designed to help you succeed in college.
We call it a “community” since the same students will be in both classes. All new students with fewer than 12 credits are expected to participate in a First Year Community.
Because you will be in two classes with the same students, you will have opportunities to get to know each other, study together, and help each other learn.
College can be difficult. You will have an experienced instructor helping you develop skills like note-taking, test preparation, and time management. Knowing these techniques will save you time and give you confidence as you approach your classes.
It can be overwhelming to figure out financial aid, decide what classes to register for, or know when to get a tutor. As part of your FYC, your instructor will show you how to connect with campus resources to help you succeed and move forward as you pursue your degree.
Since faculty work together and your classes will be small, you will get to know your instructors.
Boost your self-confidence, make new friends, elevate your collegiate game, and smooth the way to your degree and future career.