You don’t need to make an appointment to get help with your math homework! Drop in virtually or in person whenever the center is open.
In person
The Math Center is on the Second Floor of the Library Building.
Check into Starfish with your Star ID and password to receive a Zoom link.
Meet the tutors
You might work with one of our professional tutors, or you might work with a student tutor—a student who took the class in a previous semester and did well.
What if I need help when the Math Center is closed?
If you are studying late at night or on the weekend, you can still get help! Go to and follow the instructions
What math classes can I get help with?
Our tutors can help you with any math class up to Math 1134 (Calculus 2). You can also get help with any Statistics class.
What other resources does the Math Center have to help me be successful?
In addition to working with a tutor, you can access other math resources such as software and equipment.
Other Resources
Graphing Calculators are available for you to use while you are in the center
Math books
Solution manuals
Study Guides
Tests and answer keys
How should I prepare for a visit to the Math Center?
The tips below will help you make the most of your visit the math center
We are happy to help students! Sometimes the match center is busy. Please be prepared to work alone on problems if the tutors need to help other students.
Bring your textbook. If your textbook is online, please bring a computer, have it up on your phone. If you don’t have a device, you can log into one of our computers using your StarID and password.
Bring study sheets, notes from class, Power Points—anything you use as a reference to do your homework. If you have a laptop or other device, bring it. (We have outlets in our tables.) If you don’t have a device to bring, you can use your StarID and password to log into one of our computers.
Attempt the problems first. Our tutors will be more helpful if they can see the work you have done so far so they can “see” your thought process.
Be prepared to get study help. While our tutors love to help students, they also love to see you master problems on your own. To do that, you might need to change how you study, approach problems and take notes. Be ready to answer questions about how you study and to get advice about how to study more effectively.