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Currently enrolled students who are experiencing a financial crisis may apply for an Emergency Grant. This program is designed to help students stay in college, because finishing will help secure a better financial future.
The Inver Hills Counselors can help students navigate support resources in the local community. For assistance with navigating these resources, please contact the Counseling Office to learn more:
Office of Financial Aid staff help students with many aspects of financing their education such as completing the FAFSA, understanding the different types of aid available, or answering questions. Use the following link to talk to a representative:
The Postsecondary Child Care Grant Program provides funding to low income parents of young children (12 years and younger). The maximum available to a full-time student is $6,500 for each eligible child per academic year. Assistance may cover up to 40 hours of child care per week for each eligible child. The application for this grant can be found on the Financial Aid page, under:
The Inver Hills Community College Foundation provides numerous scholarship opportunities for both new and current students. Scholarships are awarded for both Fall and Spring semesters.